WhatsApp Will Soon Feature Group Polls

Polls usually collect public opinion. Polls are available on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Instagram stories. WhatsApp is developing polls for group discussions. Poll friends, clubs, colleagues, and family to gain their opinions on your questions.

WhatsApp Will Soon Feature Group Polls

The feature appears in WhatsApp beta WhatsApp polls are in development and will be provided in future releases. WhatsApp has updated Android and iPhone to transmit message responses.

WABetaInfo allows 12 poll choices. The feature may change the amount of options. WABetaInfo posted a WhatsApp group poll screenshot. According to the screenshot, poll creation is the seventh option along with media sharing.

Members may vote on a WhatsApp group poll by selecting an option and clicking Vote. The answer will be given to everyone.

WhatsApp released beta versions on September 13 to test masking online status.

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