On iOS 16, Snapchat Receives New Lock Screen Widgets

In the most recent version of iOS 16, Snapchat receives new Lock Screen Widgets and Chat Shortcuts along with other improvements.

You may add your discussion to your lock screen using this tool. Two Snapchat widgets will show up on the lock screen. The Snapchat camera is one, and the conversation widget is the other. It helps you save valuable time by making it simple for you to access Snapchat. Additionally, it helps you avoid scrolling to find your pals.

On iOS 16, Snapchat Receives New Lock Screen Widgets

New Chat Shortcuts are located at the top of the talks tab. Viewing the unread conversations and pictures will be helpful. By using the Chat Shortcuts function, users may respond to their friends. Additionally, it will notify your Snapchat pals of forthcoming birthdays, story replies, and missed phone calls. Use Chat Shortcuts to save time instead of the chat flow.

Snapchat debuted the Dual Camera functionality last month. This tool allows users to record various viewpoints and topics. Cutout, vertical and horizontal, as well as picture-in-picture, are the four layout options for the dual camera. By touching the Snapchat Camera on the lock screen widget, users of Snapchat may also have a visual discussion with their pals.

Additionally, Snapchat introduced new features called Question Stickers. In an AMA-style handbook, it indicates users are free to ask any question during that session. Instagram Stories already have this functionality. In a similar vein, you may add this sticker to your Snapchat stories. Additionally, users of Snapchat Plus have access to their accounts via the online version.

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With all these extra features, iPhone users can quickly take photos, speak with their loved ones, and peruse through social media.

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