Top 18 Best ChatGPT Alternatives (Free and Paid) in 2023

There are plenty of ChatGPT alternatives that have similar and more advanced capabilities, even though ChatGPT app is a highly advanced language model. There are various ways to get your hands on a piece of the pie, but one of the most important is to use it to your advantage. The best way to get your business off the ground is to go with the flow. We’ll explore some of the top ChatGPT login alternatives in this article, arming you with the knowledge you need to make an educated decision when selecting an AI-powered tool for your own needs and specific specifications.

Why Use ChatGPT Alternatives?

It’s possible to get a better understanding of the world’s most important issues by using the tools and resources provided by the Open Source Institute. To read and react to users, it uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques. You may develop code, organize an event, get homework assistance, and do a lot more with ChatGPT. ChatGPT might not be the right tool for you, though, if you’re searching for subtle or specialized AI uses. Therefore, there are several alternatives to ChatGPT. To provide customers with highly customized and interesting conversational experiences, these platforms frequently make use of similar NLP and machine learning techniques. However, some go above ChatGPT’s constrained capabilities by providing stronger generative AI solutions. The greatest way to get the most out of your money is to have it all in one place. The best what is ChatGPT substitute for you will ultimately depend on a variety of elements, including the interactions you want to enable, the number of queries you might want to run, the style of material you want to generate, and your target audience.

Top 18 Best ChatGPT Alternatives (Free and Paid) in 2023:

1. Perplexity AI

An alternative to ChatGPT 4 which has also been trained using OpenAI’s API, Perplexity AI works well and provides accurate responses. The website itself has a simplistic design and is easy to navigate. The tool includes ChatGPT-like features, such as the capacity to carry on discussions and offer straightforward to subtle responses. To answer your question, please visit our website.

When given information, the AI references its source at the end of each phrase, much like Wikipedia, and sometimes even draws information directly from it. I searched through the sources while I was using the AI to check for instances of copy-pasting but I couldn’t find any. It’s encouraging to see Perplexity taking steps to protect herself.

This chatbot was able to hold its own in a range of talks without sounding lost. Perplexity even has a co-pilot mode powered by the GPT-4 that may ask clarifying questions and aid in focusing the search. The website has a nice dark mode, so there’s that.

Fortunately, Perplexity AI doesn’t even require an account and is free to use. Therefore, you can converse with this ChatGPT-like tool and even look at some of its citations. Please give it a shot.

Pros Cons

  • A good conversationalist who avoids confusion but who could accidentally copy from sources
  • Cite references and provides solutions No extra features
  • Website design that is simple and forgets previous responses

Try Perplexity AI

2. Google Bard AI

Many users have been keeping an eye on Google ever since ChatGPT became popular. Google recently opened the gates after the corporation kept quiet for a while out of worry over the potential abuse of its chatbot AI. For those who are unaware, Google Bard is a conversational AI service in experimental mode. Google’s most recent PaLM 2 LLM, its own cutting-edge linguistic and communication model, powers Bard.

Google Bard was previously only accessible to a select few, but you can use it right away. The startup will even revolutionize search by using generative AI. Quick responses to queries will soon appear at the top of search results. We were intrigued by Google Bard, so we created a battle between ChatGPT and Bard, and things got interesting. Even said, Google Bard behaves differently than you may anticipate when compared to Microsoft Bing Chat. Look over the comparisons and let us know whether you intend to use this ChatGPT substitute.

Pros Cons

  • Quick response time Content from websites that have been copied before
  • provides no sources
  • Google “Bard”

Try Google Bard

3. Microsoft Bing

Microsoft Bing AI, the rebuilt search engine, is powered by an enhanced ChatGPT model, which the company initially referred to as the new “Prometheus model” but was later proven to be GPT-4. This model is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives available right now.

Additionally, the new Bing has a chat mode that collects online queries and enables users to ask questions based on context. Recently, several new features, including more visual responses, improved accuracy, and the Bing Image Creator, were added to the AI bot cum search engine. Similar to ChatGPT, Bing also enables users to plan trips, find recipes, obtain advice, and do a lot more. This incredible ChatGPT substitute, which was previously only accessible to those on a waitlist, is now accessible to everyone.

Pros Cons

  • Different conversational styles may result in quicker responses.
  • accurate information is provided
  • sources for credit

Try Microsoft Bing AI

4. Jasper Chat

Jasper has a long history of success in the field of artificial intelligence content creation. However, Jasper also includes a relatively new chatbot in addition to its content generation capabilities and other services. This ChatGPT substitute, aptly called Jasper Chat, is built on GPT 3.5 as well as additional language models and has OpenAI as a partner. JasperChat, in contrast to ChatGPT, was created for businesses like marketing, advertising, and other similar fields.

Nevertheless, anyone looking for an AI chatbot similar to ChatGPT can use Jasper Chat with ease. Before mid-2021 in 29 languages, the company claims that Jasper Chat had learned from billions of articles and other pieces of information. Therefore, it can still hold moderately complex dialogues even when it might not contain the most recent facts. Additionally, a handy toggle to add Google search data gives it even more strength.

Jasper Chat served as a helpful chat buddy for me when I used it. I asked the chatbot various riddles, made it compose video scripts, told its jokes, and even made it recite my tongue twisters. A few ad copies that I tried out also worked wonderfully. Jasper has contextual memory, so they can recall previous commands. Jasper, however, has made it clear that it is not a research engine and that all outputs should be verified.

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While Jasper Chat is entirely free, to access all of its features, you must have either the Boss or Business plan. The Boss Plan costs $59 a month, to begin with. Although it’s not exactly inexpensive, you get access to all of Jasper’s services with it. Grab the free 5-day trial to see if it’s right for you.

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Pros Cons

  • able to carry on meaningful talks Pricey paywall locked
  • A benefit for marketers and other working professionals
  • Attempt Jasper Chat.

Try Jasper Chat

5. Chatsonic

One of the newest and most comprehensive ChatGPT alternatives that have recently gained popularity is Chatsonic. Because ChatGPT was developed on top of it, it now has access to all of its tremendous potential. But because it can access the Internet, the latter can’t yet compete with this AI chatbot in terms of functionality and expertise.

Chatsonic can output solutions utilizing internet searches, which enables it to disseminate accurate information and reduce error rates. The AI chatbot also keeps track of talks and draws from them to keep the conversation going. In case you feel like speaking with a different individual, it even has 16 alternative identities, ranging from a poet to an accountant.

Unlike ChatGPT, you can even use your microphone to speak to the AI (much as you would with Siri or Google Assistant), and if you want, it will react to you in voice. Once the chat is over, you can also opt to share the responses as links or Word or PDF documents. My overall impression of ChatSonic was positive, and I believed that because it had access to the Internet and the most recent information, it could provide information more effectively than ChatGPT.

In addition to text, Chatsonic offers an integrated image generator that produces decent visuals from the prompts you provide. Even though the bot costs money, it offers 25 free generations every day after which you may use your Writesonic word balance to create more photos. If you want more, go into the long-form plan, which has monthly starting prices as low as $12.67. Additionally, this amazing ChatGPT substitute has an Android app and a browser plugin you can use.

Pros Cons

  1. Wider knowledge is made possible by internet access only 25 free generations
  2. Different identities give talks variation
  3. Android app and companion browser extension
  4. able to read the reply back

Try ChatSonic

6. HuggingChat

HuggingChat, one of the top open-source ChatGPT alternatives, was developed by HuggingFace, a renowned website that offers a wide range of AI services. The Meta AI (LLaMA) language model, which has around 65 billion parameters, is the foundation of this chatbot. HuggingChat’s usefulness is unaffected by what may appear reasonable.

Everything that ChatGPT could do, HuggingChat can. It can provide you with recipes, curate HTML code for websites, generate amusing blog posts and jokes, and much more. A helpful toggle is also included to enable web access. After that is finished, the AI bot can search the Internet and reply with even more context. The next time ChatGPT is unavailable, try this option.

Pros Cons

  • Quick responses Fewer parameters than ChatGPT
  • can carry out several tasks

Try HuggingChat

7. GitHub Copilot X

Tools like ChatGPT can be useful for people other than students. For programmers who find themselves at their wit’s end, Github Copilot X is the company’s solution. Although Copilot builds on the idea of auto-completion, it goes greatly beyond. As a result, the tool assists programmers by instantly suggesting and finishing large chunks of code and procedures. Think about the assist in Copilot X as a tool to help with programmers’ block.

Github Copilot was trained using millions of lines of code and is based on OpenAI’s most recent GPT-4 model. All widely used coding editor platforms, such as VS Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains, are compatible with Copilot. This user-friendly ChatGPT substitute may also produce syntax for many other languages, such as Javascript, PHP, BASH, and others.

Additionally, GitHub has launched GitHub Copilot Voice, where developers may speak natural language cues to users, giving consumers an experience similar to ChatGPT. Simply ask Copilot X for coding suggestions, and it will provide them immediately. Requests for tagging with AI will also be able to be pulled into Copilot X.

In addition to writing code, Copilot X can provide users with detailed analyses and explanations of code blocks thanks to GPT-4. It facilitates pull requests, replies to docs questions, and offers a tailored developer experience. Copilot costs $10 for individuals and $19 for businesses per user per month.

Pros Cons

  • aids in code generation but cannot provide flawless code
  • detailed analysis and explanation of code A little pricey
  • Coding experience similar to ChatGPT

Try Github Copilot X

8. Amazon Codewhisperer

It’s not just GitHub that supports programmers. Amazon has an AI-based solution of its own. The service, which goes by the name “Amazon Codewhisperer,” is an AI-based software development tool. The purpose of Code whisperer is to assist programmers with their code. It accomplishes this by incorporating feedback from comments and then recommending appropriate code. These recommendations are produced by Codewhisperer within an integrated development environment (IDE).

Amazon Codewhisperer, like Copilot X, supports several languages, including Javascript, Python, C#, Java, and more. The diversity of programming languages should be sufficient for developers, although being less than GitHub. Which AI model the service is based on has not been disclosed by Amazon.

Despite being an Amazon-based service, Codewhisperer can still be utilized for separate objectives. Therefore, you can stick to your options if you don’t want to use Amazon Web Services. Codewhisperer is now free to use because it is in the preview stage, according to Amazon’s FAQ. Check out this alternative to ChatGPT coding and let us know what you think.

Pros Cons

  • Fewer languages are supported than with Copilot X but intelligently offers code based on comments
  • Utilizable both inside and outside the Amazon ecosystem
  • For now, no cost to utilize

Try Amazon Codewhisperer

9. DialoGPT

GODEL AI has replaced Microsoft’s DialoGPT, but it is still a free, entertaining, and amusing AI. Dialo has a small dataset because it was trained on 147 million Reddit multi-turn dialogues. Additionally, it supports multi-turn responses, so it will keep track of your prior responses. You can utilize HuggingFace’s inference API to test out Dialo as putting it up manually might be challenging. The following are some of the most common questions we receive from our clients.

Responses from DialoGPT are, at most, passable. The AI is designed to be a little happy, so it is prone to confusion. The AI responded that it was unaware of any tragic events but was certain they were for the best. That is not the case, as you can see.

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Since DialoGPT kept forgetting what we were talking about, I did not find its contextual awareness to be any improved. That might also be the case if it’s not fully trained and using an API. Additionally, it is devoid of any other functionality like model selection, microphone input, and picture generators. Although DialoGPT is free to install, it isn’t quite the Victorian-era AI you might be hoping for. But if all you want is a straightforward chatbot, it will work.

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Pros Cons

  • Casual and playful chatbot with poor reaction quality
  • Simple and easy to use I forgot my prior responses.

Try DialoGPT

10. Pi, your personal AI

Pi is conceivably the only ChatGPT alternative that will provide you with a unique experience. This Pi is a chatbot with a distinctive design that is based on being a helpful and intelligent AI. On Pi, interactions take place in dialogue by discourse as opposed to full-blown chats. Pi is one of the few aides that can respond, which adds to the intrigue. There are four different voices available on the internet, all of which are uncannily authentic and curiously reassuring.

Pi initiates the discussion and makes an effort to understand every word you say. The ChatGPT alternative is highly inquisitive and seeks to reassure the user by speaking something like a therapist would. Pi is one of the better ChatGPT alternatives available, yet it can get boring if you talk too much. To sign up, you must have a working phone number and an account, which may be a drawback for some. Nevertheless, have a look.

Pros Cons

  • Conversations on mental health are very successful; registration requires a phone number
  • a believable and reassuring voice

Try Pi, your personal AI

11. OpenAI Playground

It is important to note right away that OpenAI Playground is not a tool that should be used regularly. OpenAI Playground is the way to go, though, if you find yourself unable to access ChatGPT but still want to sample its features. With the flexibility to choose a particular language model to test out, this web-based tool functions similarly to ChatGPT but offers far more advanced options.

After choosing a model, you can play around with various elements including the model’s randomization, token count, frequency penalty, halt sequences, and more. As you can probably guess by now, OpenAI Playground is not a plug-and-play application designed for regular users. However, it offers a tonne of customization for individuals who are experienced and want to test out several models before developing an AI tool.

The outputs of OpenAI Playground, which is merely a demo of the ChatGPT service, are identical to those of ChatGPT and provide a decent sense of the actual service. Try out some of the fun ChatGPT prompts that were covered in this post. Depending on the language model, the bot accepts input and responds with a sufficient amount of accuracy. You may submit an audio file and use speech-to-text inputs with this chatbot demo as well.

Playground answers instantly and doesn’t lag like some AI bots do. If you create an account, using it is also free. If ChatGPT is unavailable to you, try OpenAI Playground instead. However, keep in mind that if the server is busy, you risk losing access, exactly like with ChatGPT.

Pros Cons

  • Overwhelmed with options for language learning models; not for regular users
  • Accuracy and response time at the ChatGPT level

Try OpenAI Playground

12. Character AI

Although Chatsonic features personas, the idea behind this ChatGPT substitute is centered solely around them. The neural language models that form the foundation of character AI have been trained from the bottom up with talks in mind. The character stands out, though, because buyers may select from a variety of personalities rather than communicating with a single AI chatbot.

Elon Musk, Tony Stark, Socrates, Joe Biden, and Kanye West are just a few of the many characters and people that may be found on the home page. The AI adjusts its conversational style according to the person you selected, which is the finest part. So although Kanye provided me with narcissistic responses, a conversation with Socrates was in sharp contrast. Additionally, character AI includes a microphone input and can even respond in a variety of voices.

Making a character from zero is enjoyable since you can customize it as you go. Not only could I enter the characters’ names, but I could also choose their voice, description, and even avatar. A built-in image generator is included in the AI to create avatars. You can start conversing right away and even share it with others after it’s over.

Character AI is, however, a little bit slower than ChatGPT and other services of a similar nature, as I have seen. Although it’s not particularly slow, I did notice the AI catching up to complete its sentences. However, I do believe that over time and with more user data, it will get better. Although using Character AI is free, you must create an account because the chat locks after a certain number of messages.

Pros Cons

  • Large character selection Sluggish reaction times
  • Interesting exchanges between several personalities
  • It’s fun to create your characters.

Try Character AI

13. Replika

This Replika is one of the original AI chatbots, despite not being the most recent competitor on the market. Replika is an AI chatbot, however, it focuses more on relationships and companionship than other chatbots do. Millions of individuals use Replika all over the world, not just to talk but also to form lasting relationships.

The GPT-3 language model, which powers Replika, is autoregressive, meaning it gains knowledge from its prior inputs—in this case, your instructions. The Replika is designed to have meaningful conversations, so it may use information about your life that you’ve provided in the past to essentially mold itself to fit you.

You begin by making a Replika avatar, giving it a name, and personalizing its appearance. Can you immediately start speaking to it after finishing. You can pretty much discuss anything with Replika when it comes to what. So, whether you want to chat about your day, express your emotions, or just ask for random information, it can handle it all. The bot has internet connectivity, so it is always aware of the most recent news.

Sincerity be damned, Replika’s complexity is astounding. The bot keeps a virtual journal that it updates with entries following particular talks. You can interact with it by playing games, discussing your sun signs, and, with a Pro Membership, even video calling the AI. Overall dialogue accuracy is good, and it gets better as you earn more options and other relationship statuses.

With Replika’s Pro membership, which costs $19.99 a month, you can video call the AI and open up new relationships. This ChatGPT substitute is accessible via the web, Android, and iOS devices. See if you can find an AI partner like the one in the movie Her by trying it out for yourself.

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Pros Cons

  • Can hold complex talks; has paywalled features
  • Recalls previous replies Expensive subscription
  • AI-powered video calling

Try Replika

14. YouChat

Like ChatGPT, which is integrated into a search engine of the same name, YouChat is a reliable AI chatbot. YouChat, which is trained on an updated large language ChatGPT model, can hold discussions while having full access to the Internet. Because of its connectedness, the bot is always current with knowledge and can provide accurate replies both in conversation and in conjunction with search results.

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YouChat communication is simple as pie. Simply navigate to the chat page and enter your question to start a conversation. YouChat offers a variety of information and functions similar to ChatGPT. YouChat can do much more than just talk to you; it can develop code, give advice, explain difficult ideas, summarise books, and much more. The bot will occasionally lose its cool and just state that it is unable to obtain an answer right away.

Additionally, the bot doesn’t have any extra capabilities like chat sharing, microphone input, or personalities. The revised info bank, which is good, makes up for it, though. You merely need to go to the website and start chatting because YouChat is entirely free to use.

Pros Cons

  • The only way to know if a product is safe is to use it.
  • Functionality similar to ChatGPT so you don’t miss out on anything

Try YouChat

15. Claude 2

There are many competitors for ChatGPT in the AI market. Here comes Claude 2, a new AI chatbot from the business Anthropic. The business competes with OpenAI since Google has backed it. In a standard sense, Claude does not employ an LLM model. The usage of a neural network, training data, and other resources is what makes this website so popular. The emphasis here is largely on casual discussion. Claude is now a useful, safe, and trustworthy bot that can be used.

Users in the United States and the United Kingdom can now access Claude through a website since it was formerly solely accessible through Slack. Claude can also write sophisticated content and code, solve puzzles, tell jokes, have casual conversations, and do a lot of other things. Even the option to attach files so that text can be extracted from them is included. But keep in mind that Claude 2 is constrained by its data and cannot access the Internet.

For users in a few nations, Claude is currently free to use. Try it out and share your thoughts with us.

Pros Cons

  • For now, it is completely free with limited availability.
  • swiftness of reaction

Try Claude 2

16. Quora Poe

Poe by Quora, which debuted in early 2023, is more of a platform where you can communicate with AI bots than it is an actual AI. True to its name, Quora Poe is a site where users may communicate with and experiment with various sorts of AI chatbots. Poe stands for “Platform for Open Exploration.” According to Quora, Poe enables users to ask questions, receive immediate responses, and engage in back-and-forth conversations with a variety of AI-powered bots.

You may rest easy knowing that Poe is not an AI chatbot that will use Quora’s data for questions and answers. Users can presently communicate with AIs like Sage, ChatGPT, Dragonfly, and even GPT-4 and Claude+ on Poe’s well-designed website. For the latter two, access is constrained, thus a subscription is required.

While you converse with the different AI bots, Quora Poe functions well and rarely experiences downtime. To access it, you must, however, register for an account. The only downside to this is that you have to deal with the hassle of finding a place to park your car. There is no Android app, but there is one for iOS. Poe can be your one-stop platform for all of these ChatGPT-like tools if you’re the type who loves them all but is too lazy to open them all.

Pros Cons

  • Access to practically all AI bots through a single platform GPT-4 access is restricted
  • Almost no downtime

Try Quora Poe

17. CatGPT

While all of the ChatGPT alternatives mentioned above mimic the capabilities of the bot, CatGPT takes things a step further. The only AI chatbot that, well, meows all the time is CatGPT, which is powered by the same GPT-3.5 model. Even though we didn’t expect anything different from a bot named CatGPT, it’s nonetheless interesting.

Whatever you ask CatGPT, it always meows back in answer. Even contextual GIFS powered by the platform are attached by the bot. Even though CatGPT has a true AI mode that does respond to queries, albeit with a dash of sarcasm, we recommend it for some lighthearted fun.

Pros Cons

  • Happy and upbeat bot
  • includes GIFS with answers

Try CatGPT

18. Chai AI

The Replika is a remarkable AI that excels at offering users company. It can only be used with one character, though. This ChatGPT substitute takes it to the next level. Users can interact with a variety of chat AIs from all around the world using the service Chai AI. Character AI is similar to it, but it is more extensive and advanced. Additionally, there are Chai AI apps for iOS and Android.

The nature of Chai AI is very plug-and-play. Simply go to the website to examine the selection of chatable bots there. There are several personalities among the bots. One may behave as a therapist to the user, and the other will be a betrayed lover. The bots respond instantly and without any delay. They can take multiple turns, so Chai AI does keep track of your previous responses.

Chai AI Platform:

There is a robust community behind the platform, though, if customers desire more than the few AI bots available on the website. Numerous user-created bots are available on mobile apps. Each has its unique image, description, and style of speaking to the user because they can be individually made. I came across bots during my use that included everything from anime characters, gym bros, murderous killers, and even Hades. They also replied rather well, even though they occasionally became perplexed.

You can also create your own AI characters and give them names and characteristics, as was already discussed. Chai AI accomplishes this by requesting certain basic information such as the bot’s initial responses and things you want them to keep in mind. The bots may or may not be interesting depending on your reactions.

Users can communicate with bots for free for 70 messages with Chai AI. Every hour, the ChatGPT substitute also updates the message limit. Users do have the option to upgrade to a Premium or Ultra membership, which provides access to superior conversational models and unlimited message sending.

Pros Cons

  • AI bots of several sorts Limited messages
  • Custom AI bots ads creation option for mobile apps

Try Chai AI

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