Best 4 Types Inssist Chrome Extension: Upload Videos

You may post stories, images, videos, carousels, reels, or schedule any of them in advance with INSSIST extension, a well-liked, highly secure, and cross-platform personal assistant for Instagram, on Linux, Mac, and Windows. As a result, you’ll see a sharp rise in the number of followers and likes on your account. The capability to send DMs to IG users is another reason to install it.

Thousands of individuals and businesses currently utilize this extension, which has planned 450,000 posts and 8 million posts that have been published. Companies that have confidence in it include Samsung, Burger King, VICHY, and ESPN. You have total control over your Instagram handle thanks to the extension, which offers a mobile view.

Once it’s up and running, you can use its built-in features to post reels, stories, videos, and more, as well as send direct messages (DMs) to other users. Dark, Zen, and Wide Modes, posting IGTV, Photos, Stories from either the Mac or PC, and more are just a few of the features that make INSSIST instagram stand out from the competition. As soon as you upgrade to premium, you can access several features that are locked.

Best 4 Types Inssist Chrome Extension: Upload Videos to Instagram:

1. Post Assistant

You may recall that I informed you that this extension does not permit you to choose certain thumbnails. In my opinion, the INSSIST is intentionally burning their fingers with this feature. The fact that the post assistance tap is a replica of Creator’s Studio with all the features preserved may simply be a design flaw. Therefore, the problem we encountered in the first point can be readily resolved here.

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I am aware that you must give up the Instagram mobile app’s UI, but you gain access to all of the Creator Studio’s benefits. You can read more about the Creator Studio in-depth here if you are unfamiliar with it.

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Additionally, you may utilize the simple calendar feature to schedule posts, and post carousels, and grids. To do this, simply select a day from the calendar, enter some material, and schedule the post. Additionally, you can view all of your planned, draught, and preview articles in a grid format on the calendar. Also check Job Apps Like Instawork to Earn Money

2. Insights

If you’re a creator, getting advice from other creators can help you not just post relevant material to expand your Instagram following but also learn useful information like how many spam followers you have on your profile. Two Instagram users can be tracked using the free version’s insights page. You may keep track of hashtag usage in addition to the standard information like total posts/followers, publishing time, and post engagement metrics.

The check spam followers/following feature, which displays the percentage of spam followers you or a particular public account may have, is my favorite feature in this area. A zip file containing all of this information is also simply downloadable. Also review YOLO Alternatives Apps

3. Analytics

You can utilize the analytics feature to keep track of the number of followers you earn and lose each day. Both a manual and automatic check of the number are options. This periodically checks your Instagram account and displays a list of new followers and unfollowers. This structure, which resembles a list, makes it simple for you to check the follower’s profile. Additionally, you have a private/public and verified/unverified indicator. You can also check Miro 

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4. Instagram Direct Messages on PC

Direct messages are the first feature tab. Direct messages are supported by the Instagram web client as well, but this Chrome extension goes a step further. It contains a ghost-read mode that, when activated, prevents any message from being marked as seen and read even when it is opened (Pro feature, temporary preview). Check over other articles like Bodyfit App

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